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The Norwegian Character of Norwegian Mangle Boards Webinar

October 26, 2024


The host of this webinar is Jay Raymond, author of the book Mangle Boards of Northern Europe, which displays and describes the mangle boards of seven European countries.

The mangle boards of Norway present a unique challenge to describe in that they borrow from the styles of the other six countries and, yet, maintain characteristics all their own. Jay estimates that 5,000 to 10,000 mangle boards are currently in the collections of the museums of Norway, more than any other country. In his research, he identified the maker of one board in Vesterheim’s collection, which appears in his book, an absolute rarity in this realm.

It is suggested that participants consider purchasing a copy of Raymond’s book from Vesterheim Museum Store before the webinar. There are 71 Norwegian boards shown in extra large format and being familiar with them beforehand will enhance the experience of the webinar, the book can be purchased here.

The Norwegian Character of Norwegian Mangle Boards Webinar thumbnail
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